Ready to Energize Your Whole Life?

Photo by Tom Merton/OJO Images / Getty Images

Are you struggling with chronic low energy, daily stress, and eating foods you know are doing more harm than good?

It's time to break that cycle and feel like your old self again!


Meet the Energy Behind

Body Mind Union!

Theresa Kepple is a wellness coach specializing in holistic nutrition. She supports women and men in midlife who're ready to heal themselves and shape lives that feed their souls. She believes wellness involves all of you - bringing together your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects - for whole body integration.

Theresa’s Whole Foods Consciousness System teaches you how to eat healthy (and savor each bite), lose weight, and gain energy for a lifetime.

  • This isn't a quick fix or fad diet that keeps you in a 'yo yo' cycle

  • This is a healing way of life you'll love to embrace every day

It’s time to heal yourself and get in control of your health. Get to know Theresa better…>>

Photo by Wavebreakmedia/iStock / Getty Images

Photo by Wavebreakmedia/iStock / Getty Images

How Can I Make Your Life Better?

Private Consultations

Cleanse Programs

More to Come!


Client Raves


Annette Baker says

“Theresa cares about all of you. She doesn’t just want you to reach your ‘food’ goals, she guides you with care and concern wanting to know about your overall health.”

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Karla Lang says

“Theresa was able to identify what I needed to eat, supplements to take to give me more energy, and how to feel better with less stress.”

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Feng Chen says

“Theresa taught me things about food and wellness that I’ll benefit from for the rest of my life…”

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If you want someone who is loving, unconditionally supportive, and conscious about keeping you on track, Theresa is your go to health woman!

— Karla Lang


Ready to wake up energized and joyfully embrace life every day?

Download my free gift and sign up for a complimentary breakthrough call.

Photo by OJO Images/OJO Images / Getty Images

Photo by OJO Images/OJO Images / Getty Images